LGBTQ groups at U of T:

NewPRIDE (New College)

Woodsworth Inclusive (WiNC) 

RainbowTrin (Trinity College)

VicPride (Victoria College)

Rotman Commerce Pride Alliance (RCPA)

Queer Caucus (Graduate Student Union)

Sexual Education Centre (SEC)

Sexual and Gender Diversity Office (SGDO) (21 Sussex Avenue)

Students for Barrier-free Access (SBA)

Equity @ U of T

LGBTQ Resources in Toronto:

Planned Parenthood Toronto Website for factsheets on more information (STI’S, Birth Control Options, Body Parts, Pregnancy Options etc.) (located 36 Prince Arthur Avenue)

The 519 Community Centre (519 Church Street)

Lesbian/Gay/Bi Youth Line: 1-800-268-9688.

Two Spirited People of the First Nations (145 Front St. E)

Sherbourne Health Center (333 Sherbourne Street) : LGBTQ specific healthcare information and support for folks fighting substance abuse and addiction

Live Another Day – Live Another Day believes in equal access to life-saving mental health and substance use resources. This website provides extensive information on the best resources available for BIPOC students.

Resources for Latinx Students– Extensive resources for Latinx college students and their allies, but together by Tulip Hill Recovery

Resources for AAPI Students28 mental health and substance use resources for Asian American students, carefully curated by experts at Lexington Addiction Center